Der AR Heimdal Gimbal
Die von AirRobot entwickelte Heimdal-Nutzlast ist ein Beispiel für die Expertise des Unternehmens in der Software- und Hardwareintegration. Die Heimdal-Nutzlast wurde für die Kompatibilität mit Systemen von Drittanbietern entwickelt und bietet unübertroffene Flexibilität und Leistung. Ihre Stärke liegt in der
Die in der AR100-H Dual Mikro Gimbal-Form beschriebenen technischen Details bilden auch hier die Grundlage für diese Nutzlast.
Generalunternehmer des Rekordprogramms MIKADO II der Bundeswehr, 2022 — 2032. Tier-1-Lieferant von Lockheed Martin im Rahmen des Rekordprogramms TIQUILA des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums, 2023 — 2033.
Docking station: YEDO
This is an air-conditioned environment that protects the drone from meteorological conditions and other environmental factors. The ground station is used to exchange data, perform wireless charging and to house the drone in stand-by-mode for the next mission. The ground station also serves as the base station for communication with the YEDO. The ground station has an extendible funnel as shown in the following picture, from this funnel the drone will take off and land. This funnel has a special shape and a location beacon that together ensure that the drone lands autonomously in the correct orientation.

Life cycle Support
The Drone you bought yesterday will feel newer tomorrow.
We update our fleets and provide scheduled maintenance programs to ensure our drones are at the leading edge of technological advancements.
Maintenance training
We can train clients to become certified AirRobot technicians.
Upgrade support
We can provide the means to upgrade your fleet to the latest version as models evolve.